Results for 'Frederick Wayne Neuhouser'

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  1.  37
    Review of Frederick Neuhouser, 'Rousseau's Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition'. [REVIEW]Wayne M. Martin - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (8).
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    Foundations of Hegel’s Social Theory.Frederick Neuhouser - 2000 - Harvard University Press.
    This study examines the philosophical foundations of Hegel's social theory by articulating the normative standards at work in his claim that the central social institutions of the modern era are rational or good.
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    Fichte’s Theory of Subjectivity.Frederick Neuhouser - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first book in English to elucidate the central issues in the work of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, a figure crucial to the movement of philosophy from Kant to German idealism. The book explains Fichte's notion of subjectivity and how his particular view developed out of Kant's accounts of theoretical and practical reason. Fichte argued that the subject has a self-positing structure which distinguishes it from a thing or an object. Thus, the subject must be understood as an activity (...)
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    Rousseau's Critique of Inequality: Reconstructing the Second Discourse.Frederick Neuhouser - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality among Mankind, published in 1755, is a vastly influential study of the foundations of human society, including the economic inequalities it tends to create. To date, however, there has been little philosophical analysis of the Discourse in the literature. In this book, Frederick Neuhouser offers a rich and incisive philosophical examination of the work. He clarifies Rousseau's arguments as to why social inequalities are so prevalent in human society and why they (...)
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    Diagnosing Social Pathology: Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and Durkheim.Frederick Neuhouser - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Can a human society suffer from illness like a living thing? And if so, how does such a malaise manifest itself? In this thought-provoking book, Fred Neuhouser explains and defends the idea of social pathology, demonstrating what it means to describe societies as 'ill', or 'sick', and why we are so often drawn to conceiving of social problems as ailments or maladies. He shows how Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and Durkheim – four key philosophers who are seldom taken to constitute (...)
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    Alienation by Rahel Jaeggi Translated by Frederick Neuhouser and Alan E. Smith. [REVIEW]Frederick Neuhouser - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 68 (3):662-664.
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    Response to Robert Pippin.Frederick Neuhouser - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 1:999-1003.
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  8. The efficacy of the rational being (first proposition: [Nr.] 1).Frederick Neuhouser - 2016 - In Jean-Christophe Merle, Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  9. Rousseau's theodicy of self-love: evil, rationality, and the drive for recognition.Frederick Neuhouser - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book is the first comprehensive study of Rousseau's rich and complex theory of the type of self-love (amour proper) that, for him, marks the central difference between humans and the beasts. Amour proper is the passion that drives human individuals to seek the esteem, approval, admiration, or love--the recognition--of their fellow beings. Neuhouser reconstructs Rousseau's understanding of what the drive for recognition is, why it is so problematic, and how its presence opens up far-reaching developmental possibilities for creatures (...)
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  10.  23
    Geistige Gesundheit und kulturelle Pathologie bei Nietzsche.Frederick Neuhouser - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (1):1-27.
    This paper reconstructs Nietzsche’s conception of spiritual illness, especially as exhibited in various forms of the bad conscience, and asks what positive, ennobling potential Nietzsche finds in it. The relevant concept of spirit is arrived at by reconstructing Nietzsche’s conception of life and then considering what reflexive life – life turned back against itself – would look like. It distinguishes four independent features of spiritual illness: the measureless drive to make oneself suffer, self-opacity (or mendaciousness), life-denial, and a self-undermining dynamic (...)
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  11.  53
    Hegel and Nietzsche on Spirit and its Pathologies.Frederick Neuhouser - 2015 - In Leonel R. dos Santos & Katia Dawn Hay, Nietzsche, German Idealism and its Critics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 11-34.
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  12.  38
    Hegel on “the Living Good”.Frederick Neuhouser - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (3-4):310-331.
    ABSTRACT Hegel calls social life “the living good,” but what this means is unclear. The idea expresses an ontological claim about the kind of being that human societies possess, but it is also normatively significant, clarifying why the category of social pathology is an appropriate tool of social critique. Social life consists in processes of life infused with ethical content. Societies are normatively and functionally constituted living beings that realize the good similarly to how organisms achieve their vital ends: via (...)
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  13.  8
    Alienation.Frederick Neuhouser (ed.) - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    The Hegelian-Marxist idea of alienation fell out of favor after the postmetaphysical rejection of humanism and essentialist views of human nature. In this book Rahel Jaeggi draws on the Hegelian philosophical tradition, phenomenological analyses grounded in modern conceptions of agency, and recent work in the analytical tradition to reconceive alienation as the absence of a meaningful relationship to oneself and others, which manifests in feelings of helplessness and the despondent acceptance of ossified social roles and expectations. A revived approach to (...)
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  14. Foundations of Hegel’s Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom.Frederick Neuhouser - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (209):646-649.
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    3. The Efficacy of the Rational Being (First Proposition: § 1).Frederick Neuhouser - 2016 - In Jean-Christophe Merle, Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 39-49.
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    The Idea of a Hegelian ‘Science’ of Society.Frederick Neuhouser - 2011 - In Stephen Houlgate & Michael Baur, A Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 281–296.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Aim of Hegel's Science of Society The Method of Hegel's Science of Society Comprehension versus Critique.
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  17.  24
    Anomie: On the Link Between Social Pathology and Social Ontology.Frederick Neuhouser - 2021 - In Nicola Marcucci, Durkheim & Critique. Springer Verlag. pp. 131-162.
    This chapter examines the philosophical underpinnings of Durkheim’s account of anomie as social pathology. It examines and evaluates Durkheim’s conception of social pathology and his claim that social problems must be understood as analogous to illnesses. Further, it explores the vision of social ontology—of the kind of being that human societies have—underlying Durkheim’s position, which involves articulating the ways in which human societies are both different from and similar to biological organisms. Because Durkheim conceives of the task of social theory (...)
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  18.  13
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau und die Ursprünge der Autonomie.Frederick Neuhouser - 2016 - In Harald Bluhm & Konstanze Baron, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Im Bann der Institutionen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 287-306.
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    Hegel über Sozialontologie und die Möglichkeit sozialer Pathologien.Frederick Neuhouser - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen & Stephan Zimmermann, Sozialontologie in der Perspektive des Deutschen Idealismus: Ansätze, Rezeptionen, Probleme. De Gruyter. pp. 119-140.
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  20.  11
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Frederick Neuhouser - 2018 - In Ludwig Siep, Heikki Ikaheimo & Michael Quante, Handbuch Anerkennung. Springer. pp. 241-244.
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  21. Freedom, dependence, and the general will.Frederick Neuhouser - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (3):363-395.
    n his Lectures on the Histmy 0f Philosophy Hegel credits Rousseau with an cpoch-making innovation in the realm 0f practical philosophy, an innovation said to consist in thc fact that Rousseau is thc first thinker t0 recognize "the free will" as thc fundamental principle 0f political philosophy} Since Hcgcl’s 0wn practical philosophy is explicitly grounded in an account 0f thc will and its freedom, Hcgcl’s assertion is clearly intended as an acknowledgment 0f his deep indebtedness t0 R0usscau’s social and political (...)
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  22.  44
    Die kritische Funktion der Genealogie im Denken Jean-Jacques Rousseaus.Frederick Neuhouser - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (4):495-509.
    Der Beitrag rekonstruiert sowohl Rousseaus Erklärung der Entstehung der Ungleichheit als auch die Maßstäbe, die er anwendet, um die Legitimität von Ungleichheiten zu beurteilen. Nachdem gezeigt wird, dass die Eigenliebe die Hauptquelle der Ungleichheit ist, wird das Verhältnis zwischen Rousseaus Genealogie und seiner normativen Kritik an der Gesellschaft untersucht.
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  23.  13
    Rousseau und Hegel: Zwei Begriffe der Anerkennung.Frederick Neuhouser - 2013 - In Stefan Lang & Lars Thade Ulrichs, Subjektivität und Autonomie: Praktische Selbstverhältnisse in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 275-288.
  24. The General Will: Rousseau, Marx, Communism.Frederick Neuhouser - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (4):597.
    The principal aim of Andrew Levine’s most recent book is to defend the ideal of communism. Its strategy is to demonstrate the coherence and desirability of that ideal by invoking Rousseau’s concept of the general will. More specifically, the general will is supposed to provide a model for the kind of cooperation that will take place among members of a communistic society. Since the notion of a general will is itself highly obscure, this book can also be read as an (...)
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  25.  72
    Die Idee einer Hegelianischen ‚Wissenschaft 'der Gesellschaft‘.Frederick Neuhouser - 2008 - Analyse & Kritik 30 (2):355-378.
    This paper sets out the kind of intellectual enterprise Hegel’s science of society is by explaining its aim (reconciliation) and the method it employs to achieve that aim. It argues that Hegel’s science of society, similar to Smith’s and Marx’s, offers an account of the good social order that is grounded in both an empirical understanding of existing institutions and a normative commitment to a certain vision of the good life. It spells out the criteria Hegel appeals to in his (...)
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  26. Rousseau's Critique of Economic Inequality.Frederick Neuhouser - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 41 (3):193-225.
  27.  87
    Desire, Recognition, and the Relation between Bondsman and Lord.Frederick Neuhouser - 2009 - In Kenneth R. Westphal, The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 37–54.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Further Reading.
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  28.  30
    The Philosophy of Recognition: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Frederick Neuhouser, Jay M. Bernstein, Michael Quante, Ludwig Siep, Terry Pinkard, Daniel Brudney, Andreas Wildt, Nancy Fraser, Axel Honneth, Emmanuel Renault, Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Jean-Philippe Deranty & Arto Laitinen - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Edited by Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch & Christopher Zurn. This volume collects original, cutting-edge essays on the philosophy of recognition by international scholars eminent in the field. By considering the topic of recognition as addressed by both classical and contemporary authors, the volume explores the connections between historical and contemporary recognition research and makes substantive contributions to the further development of contemporary theories of recognition.
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  29.  32
    Rousseaus Kritik der ökonomischen Ungleichheit.Frederick Neuhouser - 2015 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 63 (2).
    This paper reconstructs Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s position on the limits of legitimate economic inequality as presented in his Second Discourse. It argues that, although Rousseau’s position is egalitarian in that it places severe limits on permissible inequalities, he values economic equality instrumentally, not for its own sake but only as a means for promoting freedom and for securing the social conditions that make recognition, a central component of human well-being, available to all. The paper articulates the conception of freedom at work (...)
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  30.  14
    Foundations of Natural Right.Frederick Neuhouser & Michael Baur (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    In the history of philosophy, Fichte's thought marks a crucial transitional stage between Kant and post-Kantian philosophy. Fichte radicalized Kant's thought by arguing that human freedom, not external reality, must be the starting point of all systematic philosophy, and in Foundations of Natural Right, thought by many to be his most important work of political philosophy, he applies his ideas to fundamental issues in political and legal philosophy, covering such topics as civic freedom, rights, private property, contracts, family relations, and (...)
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  31. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Origins of Autonomy.Frederick Neuhouser - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (5):478 - 493.
    Abstract Modern reflection on the ideal of personal autonomy has its Western origin in the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, where autonomy, or self-legislation, involves citizens joining together to make laws for themselves that reflect their collective understanding of the common good. Four features of this conception of autonomy continue to be relevant today. First, autonomy, a type of freedom, is introduced into modern philosophy in order to make up for a perceived deficiency, or incompleteness, in merely ?negative? freedom (the right (...)
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  32. Hegel’s Idea of a ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’.Frederick Neuhouser - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (2):296-299.
    Michael Forster’s latest book is a comprehensive and illuminating treatment of the basic tasks and strategies of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. As the title indicates, Forster is more concerned to elucidate the aims and structure of the Phenomenology as a whole than to reconstruct the claims of specific sections or to provide a chapter-by-chapter commentary. Forster is correct that a coherent and sympathetic account of the Phenomenology’s “official project” is badly needed, and he succeeds admirably in the task he has (...)
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  33. Deducing Desire and Recognition in the Phenomenology of Spirit.Frederick Neuhouser - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (2):243-262.
  34. Fichte and the Relationship between Right and Morality.Frederick Neuhouser - 1994 - In Daniel Breazeale & Tom Rockmore, Fichte: historical contexts/contemporary controversies. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. pp. 158--80.
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  35.  69
    Hegel's Ethical Thought by Allen Wood. [REVIEW]Frederick Neuhouser - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy 89 (6):316-320.
  36.  94
    Nietzsche on Spiritual Illness and Its Promise.Frederick Neuhouser - 2014 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 45 (3):293-314.
    ABSTRACT This article reconstructs Nietzsche's conception of spiritual illness, especially as exhibited in various forms of the bad conscience, and asks what positive, ennobling potential Nietzsche finds in it. The relevant concept of spirit is arrived at by reconstructing Nietzsche's conception of life and then considering what reflexive life—life turned back against itself—would look like. It distinguishes four independent features of spiritual illness: the measureless drive to make oneself suffer, self-opacity, life denial, and a self-undermining dynamic in which life exhausts (...)
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  37.  52
    Cohen, Joshua. Rousseau: A Free Community of Equals. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. 197. $74.00.Frederick Neuhouser - 2011 - Ethics 121 (2):429-434.
  38.  24
    3 The Efficacy of the Rational Being.Frederick Neuhouser - 2016 - In Jean-Christophe Merle, Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 35-44.
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  39. On Detaching Hegel’s Social Philosophy from His Metaphysics.Frederick Neuhouser - 2004 - The Owl of Minerva 36 (1):31-42.
    This paper rebuts four objections to my attempt, in Foundations of Hegel's Social Theory, to reconstruct Hegel's social philosophy in abstraction from his metaphysics and theodicy: 1) that social philosophy requires the Logic as its ground; 2) that only an independent metaphysics can justify the norms employed by social philosophy; 3) that empirical considerations can play no role in Hegel's arguments; and 4) that, robbed of his "ontology of the self," Hegel cannot respond to romantic critics. In response to a (...)
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  40. Working Paper 6.Frederick Gearing, Thomas Carroll, Letta Richter, Patricia Grogan-Hurlick, Allen Smith, Wayne Hughes, Allan B. Tindall, Walter Precourt & Sigrid Topfer - 1979 - In Frederick O. Gearing & Lucinda Sangree, Toward a cultural theory of education and schooling. New York: Mouton.
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    Rousseau und das menschliche Verlangen nach Anerkennung.Frederick Neuhouser - 2008 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (6):899-922.
    Rousseau ist der erste Denker in der Geschichte der Philosophie, der das Streben nach Anerkennung durch Andere im Innersten der menschlichen Natur lokalisiert und es damit zu einem zentralen Thema der Moral-, Sozial- und politischen Philosophie macht. Der Aufsatz zeichnet Rousseaus Überlegungen zum menschlichen Streben nach Anerkennung – der Leidenschaft, die er l′amour propre nennt – in großen Linien nach und versucht dabei vorzuführen, wie sich die einzelnen Bestandteile des Rousseauschen Anerkennungsdenken zu einer ebenso plausiblen wie umfassenden Philosophie der Anerkennung (...)
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  42. The method of the Philosophy of right.Frederick Neuhouser - 2017 - In David James, Hegel's `Elements of the Philosophy of Right': A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Warren Breckman, Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory: De-throning the Self (Review). [REVIEW]Frederick Neuhouser - 2001 - Mind 110 (438).
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  44.  54
    Review of Axel Honneth, Verdinglichung[REVIEW]Frederick Neuhouser - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (3).
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  45.  17
    Enlightenment, Revolution, and Romanticism: The Genesis of Modern German Political Thought, 1790-1800. [REVIEW]Frederick Neuhouser - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):192-194.
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    Daniel Breazeale, ed. and trans., "Fichte: Early Philosophical Writings". [REVIEW]Frederick Neuhouser - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (4):624.
  47. Review of Rahel Jaeggi, Entfremdung: Zur Aktualität Eines Sozialphilosophischen Problems[REVIEW]Frederick Neuhouser - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (7).
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  48.  35
    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick Ferré. These essays, informed by the insights of Ferré and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Dr Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick FerrZ. These essays, informed by the insights of FerrZ and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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  50. Augustine and Philosophy.Johannes Brachtendorf, John D. Caputo, Jesse Couenhoven, Alexander R. Eodice, Wayne J. Hankey, John Peter Kenney, Paul A. Macdonald Jr, Gareth B. Matthews, Roland J. Teske, Frederick Van Fleteren & James Wetzel - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    The essays in this book, by a variety of leading Augustine scholars, examine not only Augustine's multifaceted philosophy and its relation to his epoch-making theology, but also his practice as a philosopher, as well as his relation to other philosophers both before and after him. Thus the collection shows that Augustine's philosophy remains an influence and a provocation in a wide variety of settings today.
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